7703 North State Street Lowville NY 13367
Join us for Worship on Sundays at 10 a.m.

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7703 North State Street Lowville NY 13367
Join us for Worship on Sundays at 10 a.m.
Every Sunday at 10 a.m.
In-person in our sanctuary or
just click the button below to join us on Facebook Live!
Either way, we will be happy
to have you worship with us,
sing with us, pray with us!
At the north end of the Village of Lowville sits a beautiful stone church with a soaring white spire.
The First Presbyterian Church holds an important place in the history of the village
and Lewis County.
As a symbol of that history this majestic building with its tall, white spire with three illuminated clock faces is a shining beacon of welcome to all who enter the village of Lowville. One truly knows they are home when they get a glimpse of that shining white torch in the sky. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been gone for a few hours or a few years.
As with all buildings, as time passes their age begins to show.
Over the years the 12” x 12” hand-hewn wood beams, in the spire, have absorbed water from leaks and several are starting to rot. In an effort to keep the spire an integral part of our community it is now time to repair or replace the beams and shore up the spire to ensure it is watertight and will stand for many more years to come.
This is no small undertaking and will be an expensive project. The elders of the First Presbyterian Church are working to procure grants but these will not cover the entire cost of renovations.
The grant funds SAVE THE SPIRE will require matching funds and additional monies will be needed.
The cost of the renovation is estimated at $125,000.
The congregation of First Presbyterian Church is supporting the project but is also looking to partner with members of our community to help pay for the restoration.
Please consider making a monetary contribution to help save this historic landmark.
Get inspired to Save the Spire.
To make a contribution:
Mail a check to:
First Presbyterian Church
Spire Preservation Fund
7703 N State St Lowville, NY 13367
Or give electronically by clicking the button below.
Anchoring the north end of the Village of Lowville is a beautiful stone church with a soaring white spire and illuminated clock.
It has been a recognizable
landmark since the 1800s
GET INSPIRED to Save the Spire
“Christ's Kids Adventure Club”
for children 5 & up
Let's have fun
learning about God!
Sunday mornings at 10 am
First Presbyterian Church
7703 N State St, Lowville
Nursery for children up to 5
available for parents
Attending worship.
For more information:
We understand the presence of God in our lives. We worship God as Lord, creator and sustainer of life; the person of Christ as a model to our work here on earth and the Holy Spirit as being ever with us, guiding us daily.
# We embody our mission through active participation in local, national and international missions as well as in worsh
We understand the presence of God in our lives. We worship God as Lord, creator and sustainer of life; the person of Christ as a model to our work here on earth and the Holy Spirit as being ever with us, guiding us daily.
# We embody our mission through active participation in local, national and international missions as well as in worship, fellowship, Christian education and service to each other.
# We are an open church accepting of all who come through our doors, and open to other faith traditions recognizing that we are all in different places in our own personal faith journeys.
# In our study and preaching, we encourage sound scholarship and critical inquiry.
# We honor our long history, are committed to enriching personal spiritual journeys and look with hope and vision to the generation after us.
We usually celebrate communion
on the first Sunday of every month,
by intinction - dipping the bread into the cup.
We believe that the Lord's Table should
be open to all who want to participate,
including young children.
We believe that God created and loves us,
every one of us, so
No matter your race, nationality, sexual orientation, religious affiliations or
the color of your shoes!
Please feel free to contact us by phone at 315-376-3631 or by email at officepreslow@gmail.com
7703 North State Street, Lowville, New York 13367, United States