January 11, 2022
Greetings Family of Faith,
It always amazes me how our world has been set in motion. I can already see the amount of sunlight increasing each day. We begin to emerge from the dark and hope is on the horizon. Some of the recent sunrises and sunsets have been spectacular, warming my heart with the promise of God.
Now in 2023, our world at FPCL turns toward exciting adventures together. New ideas keep emerging and opportunities to get involved are abundant for each of us. It is through our efforts as one body that the worship and sharing of peace, love, and fellowship in Christ occurs.
When I look out at the sanctuary filled with people, or when I sit among you at a meal, I see such great treasures in everyone. These treasures are the gifts God has instilled in each of us to share with one another, throughout the community, and the world. The fact that the talents we bring to the table
vary so much is a blessing in itself. We are given different strengths to complete the picture puzzle that God has created. I know that there will never be a more beautiful picture than the one God paints for us to assemble. With the caring spirit of the FPCL family, I know that we can make God smile as the image
comes into focus in 2023.
We are part of the world that God turns daily and we are called to be active in this world. With the efforts of us all, we can bask in the hope and blessings given by the Lord. As the daylight grows, let each of us bring to light what we have to offer and bring forth our very best.
God Bless You All,
The Annual Congregational Meeting is set for Sunday, January 29, 2023 and has been Motioned by Heidi VanZandt, seconded by Kelly Clark, all in favor.
Kelly Clark discussed the Micah Grant and Heidi VanZandt Motioned the approval of $500 grant to be donated to the Lowville Academy Back Pack program, Jim Schlieder seconded, all in favor.
The Fundraising letter that Eric Virkler wrote was approved by all. It will be sent along with the new brochures
Mark Lemieux contacted the church about tuning the piano and organ. Sarah Hoag will be asked to reach back out to Mr. Lemieux for the cost and to begin scheduling.
Stone Soup is January 19, 2023! These dinners are still being done in a drive-thru fashion. Food will begin to get handed out at 5:00PM. Come out and grab a great meal! There is no charge for these meals, but donations are always accepted.
The Annual Meeting will be January 29, 2022 following the service. There will be a Pot Luck Luncheon immediately after. A Sign-Up Genius is out if you would like to let us know what you'll be bringing. We hope to see you all there!
The Beaver Falls Methodist Church is hosting a Valentine's event on Feb.10, 2023. Their event will resemble the TV show, " The Newly Wed Game". Their twist one the game is, " The Oldyweds". If you and your spouse think you'd be interested in participating, please contact Beth Monnat at 315-346-6405 or 315-955-3425.
The February Worship Schedule will be on Sign Up Genius soon. Please think about getting involved. Prayers of the People is a wonderful chance for you to share what is on your heart. Being a Greeter will bring joy to the congregation as you welcome them in for a time of togetherness. Hosting a Coffee Hour is another way to bring the church family together for some conversation and friendship, and maybe some cookies! We would love to see you getting involved and adding your generosity of spirit to these cold days!
At the north end of the Village of Lowville sits a beautiful stone church with a soaring white spire. The First Presbyterian Church holds an important place in the village and Lewis County history. As a symbol of that history, this majestic building with its tall, white spire with three illuminated clock faces is a shining beacon of welcome to all who enter the village of Lowville. One truly knows they are home when they get a glimpse of that shining white torch in the sky. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been gone for a few hours or a few years.
As with all buildings, as time passes their age begins to show. Over the years the 12” x 12” hand-hewn wood beams, in the spire, have absorbed water from leaks and several are starting to rot. In an effort to keep the spire an integral part of our community, it is now time to repair or replace the beams and shore up the spire to ensure it is watertight and will stand for many more years to come. This is no small undertaking and will be
an expensive project.
The elders of the First Presbyterian Church are working to procure grants but these will not cover the entire cost of renovations. The grant funds will require matching funds and additional monies will be needed. The cost of the renovation is estimated at $125,000. The congregation of First Presbyterian Church is supporting the project but is
also looking to partner with members of our community to help pay for the restoration. Please consider making a monetary contribution to help save this historic landmark.
The Presbyterian Women will be meeting each month on the 2nd Tuesday at 10:00 am in the Church Basement (Fellowship Hall) for Bible Study!
All the women of the church are invited!
The Lowville Chapter of AA will be meeting every Tuesday and Thursday nights in the meeting space in the Andover House, directly behind the church, at 7:00 p.m. As well on Saturday's at noon.
Sandy Buckingham returns to our church to lead a Tai Chi class.
The classes are on Thursday's from 9:45 until 11:15 a.m., the cost is $10/session & are held in our Fellowship Hall at 7707 North State Street, Lowville, NY 13367 (please use the North State Street entrance).
Modern Tai Chi involves a series of movements performed in a slow,
focused manner accompanied by deep breathing.
Check out this new Outreach Service through our North Country Library System!